Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Hasselblad and Broncolor Open Day at Colorworld

Posted 4th October 2011

Hasselblad and Broncolor are very proud to present

'The Beauty of Bron'

An open 'Fun' day at Colorworld Imaging in North shields on Monday 10th October from 11.00am - 5.00pm.

The Studio Day, will have two studio area's set up with the latest Broncolor lighting systems and accessories - all for you to play with, to test and question . bring your camera's for a great day of playing with light .. FREE OF CHARGE !!!

We have a professional model for your shoots, and a couple of demonstations through the day, Our Photographic lighting expert Chris Burfoot will be on hand to show the benefits of the Broncolor products, The day will begin at 11.00 am and finish around 5.00pm, please feel free to 'pop' in at anytime or stay and play all day - please feel free to bring your own camera along, also available is the wonderful Hasselblad camera's - please bring memory sticks to take away your images.

Tea and Coffee will be available throughout the day, Although we do not have the facility for lunches or snack's, so if staying for the day .. Please bring a Picnic !!!

Please note this day is for 'Opportunity' !! there is no sales pitches or hard sales, just the opportunity to play with fantastic lighting and accessories ... Please register on our website www.ukbroncolor.com or email Beverley bev@colorworldimaging.co.uk .

The open day will be held at Colorworld Imaging, Cumberland Road, North Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE29 8RD.