Monday, 18 October 2010

Christmas Deadlines

18 October 2010
Our Christmas dates are listed below; this information will enable you to do some forward planning and we hope that it proves to be a busy period for us both.

Lab Closure Our Christmas dates are listed below; this information will enable you to do some forward planning and we hope that it proves to be a busy period for us both.

Lab Closure

The lab will close from 12.00pm on Friday 24th December and will reopen on Tuesday 4th January 2011.

Christmas Orders by Post

Orders received by first class post on Thursday 16th December will be back in the post by Friday 17th December at the latest. Urgent orders can be returned to you by Courier/Special Delivery on request, at your expense.

Renaissance Album Orders

The last date for Renaissance albums is Monday 13th December 2010.

Seldex Orders

The last ordering date for Seldex Albums and portfolio boxes is Thursday 11th November 2010. Seldex Artistic Albums have confirmed to us that they will be shipping to Colorworld right up to the Monday before Christmas.

Christmas Orders by Van

Last orders for Christmas by van must reach the lab by Monday 20th December. Last van Deliveries will be on Wednesday 22nd or Thursday 23rd December 2010 depending on your normal delivery day.

StudioPartner Orders

Orders for prints received by 8am on Tuesday 21st December will be ready for despatch on Wednesday 22nd December. If your prints require mounting please telephone the lab to ensure we can handle your order within this time. Couriered orders will be despatched on Wednesday 22rd December 2010 for delivery on Thursday 23rd December 2010.

As always, orders received after these dates may still be received in time for Christmas. In recent years we have met all requests for last minute Christmas orders and we will do our utmost to meet your demands this year.

Autum Offers 2010

Great Autumn Offers

This Autumn we have got some great news for you.

For more details call us on 0191 2596926

Friday, 15 October 2010

Follow Colorworld on Facebook

You can follow Colorworld Imaging on Facebook

Simply click on the following logo and become a friend of our Facebook page.

  • Great way to follow what offers and new services Colorworld Imaging are bringing out.
  • Keep up to date with our News and Events.
  • Upload some of your favourite images and show others what you're made of.
  • Mix with other photographers.
  • Swap ideas and tips.
  • Make new friends who share the same passion about photography as you.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Launch of New Lay Flat Books


Yes they are finally here. You've waited long enough. We are pleased to announce our new lay flat books are now available through Colorworld Designer Pro. These special books have been developed to allow the pages to lie flat when open. Printed on our digital press, they have the same print quality as our traditional coffee table books but with the feature of being able to lie flat. The covers are printed photographically and laminated with a gloss laminate for protection.

sCoffeeGroup1.jpgAvailable in sizes 10x8 up and view, 10x10, 12x9 up and view and 12x12 with a maximum of 30 double spreads. Prices start at just £59.00 + VAT. A complete price list can be downloaded from our Downloads page. Please ensure that you have logged into the web site first.

To create your own Lay Flat book in Colorworld Designer Pro you will need to click on the 'Check for Updates' button and download the new product templates.

Thanks to Gordon McGowan for the use of his images.

Monday, 7 June 2010

25% Discount off Coffee Table Books

Throughout the months of June and July, we are offering 25% discount on our range of Coffee Table Books. Since launching the range in February of this year, we have had an amazing response and feel this is the perfect time to update your samples and offer your clients something extra. As with all images sent to Colorworld, each image is analysed and colour corrected to ensure that you receive a product that will be treasured by your customers. Simply include the Voucher code "CTB25" during the checkout in our Colorworld Designer Pro software to receive your discount.

25% discount only applies to 1st book where multiple quantities are purchased. Subsequent copies receive 50% discount.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

30% Off Digital Press Products for April 2010

dp_image3.jpg Every successful business needs to promote itself through the use of printed literature. It may be for a mail drop, literature for a wedding fair, a set of leaflets in your Studio or simple A4 letter heads. Colorworld Imaging's free software, StudioPartner Roes gives you the flexibility to create your own designs with great ease. StudioPartner contains templates for 5" Trifold and A3 Trifold brochures printed on 300gsm gloss card as well as A4 Bifold and Trifold brochures printed on 170gsm silk paper and many more. 25 5" Trifold brochures only £12.94, 25 A6 single sided leaflets only £4.83. 25 A4 Bifold leaflets only £10.09.

dp_image2.jpgWe can offer you a full range of leaflets and posters from a small A6 leaflet up to a larger A3 poster. You can also order quantities as little as 25 ensuring that you don't print thousands when only a small number is required.

dp_image4.jpg This offer also applies to digital press softback, hardback and spiral bound A4 Proof Books. 300 images in an A4 softback proof book only £28.00

dp_image5.jpgWhy not give us a call on 0191 2596926 or email us at and discuss your requirements with us and we will be happy to help you.

All prices are exclusive of delivery and VAT at 17.5%

Monday, 29 March 2010

Launch of New Colorworld Designer Pro

Launch of New Colorworld Designer Pro

Hopefully by now you are aware of our new Colorworld Designer Pro software. Software to assist you in the creation of Renaissance Digital albums and Coffee Table books. Colorworld Designer Pro is available for both PC and Mac users and can be downloaded from our website free of charge. To download the software, please follow this link then login with your account details. If you have not already registered with Colorworld then use the Registration Page to obtain a username and password. We would also like to thank everyone who came to our stand at Focus on Imaging 2010 earlier this week. We received an amazing response and were overwelmed by the comments regarding our products and customer service. At Focus, we also distributed our new Colorworld Imaging 2010 brochure. If you didn't pick up a copy of our brochure and would like one please reply to this email with your details, alternatively you can download it from our website, again from the downloads page after logging in. Prices are effective from 1st April 2010.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Colorworld Imaging at Focus On Imaging 2010


Focus On Imaging 2010 Birmingham NEC

Sunday 7th March - Wednesday 10th March 2010

Colorworld Imaging will be exhibiting at Focus on Imaging 2010 from Sunday 7th March 2010 till Wednesday 10th March 2010. Come and visit us on Stand E20 where we will be displaying our Renaissance and Seldex Albums, Framed products as well as our newly launched Coffee Table Books.

We have also invested in new album design software called Colorworld Designer Pro

As always, you can come and speak to us regarding any of our products and services and even experience a demonstration of our StudioPartner Roes and Colorworld Designer Pro ordering software.

sDesignerProLogo Small.jpg